Trimana crafts is the brain child of three school girls who wanted to use their crafting abilities to save for their college tuition fee. Trimana craft started as just a hobby in the garage where the girl built small projects using lasers, Cricut crafting machines and even Rosin jewellery. That led to the birth of Trimana Crafts after the girls knew they were skilled enough… Read more

We create custom gifts for our customers from T-Shirts, mugs, key rings, jewellery, canvases and more so that every gift given is unique and comes from the love you have for them All our custom gifts are editable using our product designer. Or you can buy the products which we have created already for you… Read more

All the work we do comes from passion and our love for Arts & Crafts. We put our 100% in everything we do. We will always make sure that you get the best gift as you wanted and on time….